Monday, March 31, 2008

Scribing and Facilitating as a Team

On March 28th, Delphine Batton commented...

"Together with another facilitator we are scribing for each other regularly. So during a session we switch from facilitation to scribing. Knowing the process, even the agenda precisely is of a great help for scribing. Even more when as a facilitator we have to change the agenda during the session: the one who is scribing this time can follow easily!"

Working regularly as a team, a scribe and a facilitator build a communication protocol that allows them to continually make the other partner look good and thereby provide a much better experience for the client.

I am doing a two-day facilitation with a scribe the week of April 7th and will report back on how it went...

Any other experiences people would like to share? I am still looking for another name for the scribing function....


franca said...

A colleague and I did our first facilitator/scribe gig together this month, and it went amazingly well. I, as scribe, could basically write my own role (pun intended!). At the beginning of the day, when the client didn't know me, I was very quiet; toward the end of the day I chose "come to life" and become a "trained brain" as well (something that I think is more open to a scribe than the facilitator). But if the group hadn't been open to that kind of participation from me, if they'd perceived me just as a note-taker, I could also have stayed in that role. So the uncertainty around our role gives us a lot of flexibility, it can be to our advantage.

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