Paul, Can we suggest a third, that is the scribe can facilitate the process of having the group use post-it notes. We use this technique to get many ideas on bits of paper and plastered on the wall. Sometimes I do the clustering with help, sometimes the group comes forward and does that part. Now this brings up the question of dealing with these ideas, once they are themed. If we split the participants into sub-groups and allow each sub to take a cluster away, for wordsmithing immediately, or for some future report, what role does the scribe play in that process? Secondly, how might the scribe facilitate that, so that we get the maximum breadth of participation, but also a high degree of efficiency?
Currently a productive thinking scribe, facilitator, and trainer, Paul is an economist and student of consumer behavior and has been a marketing professional for 30 years. He serves as treasurer on the Board of Trustees for the Creative Education Foundation, is on the Board of Trustees for Hudson Guild — a 100-year-old+ settlement house in NYC, facilitates not-for-profits and serves as the New York Hub Leader for Facilitators Without Borders, is on the faculty of the Creative Problem Solving Institute, and serves on numerous community organizations.
Paul has helped firms such as JPMorgan, HSBC, Bankers Trust, and Citibank develop marketing strategies targeting the sophisticated banking and investment management needs of affluent and private banking clients in the US, Japan, and Europe. Before entering the financial services industry, Paul was an associate scientist at Brookhaven National Laboratory where he modeled energy supply and demand responses to changes in energy pricing and availability using large-scale econometric and linear programming models. He holds an MA and doctorate in economics from SUNY Stony Brook.
Paul, Can we suggest a third, that is the scribe can facilitate the process of having the group use post-it notes. We use this technique to get many ideas on bits of paper and plastered on the wall. Sometimes I do the clustering with help, sometimes the group comes forward and does that part. Now this brings up the question of dealing with these ideas, once they are themed. If we split the participants into sub-groups and allow each sub to take a cluster away, for wordsmithing immediately, or for some future report, what role does the scribe play in that process? Secondly, how might the scribe facilitate that, so that we get the maximum breadth of participation, but also a high degree of efficiency?
Good point and good questions...see the posting on March 11th for my thoughts...
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